• Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
This is the ESG management of Seokwon Engineering.

As a member of Seokwon Engineering Co., Ltd., we observe the following in order to participate in and practice ethical management, compliance management, and information protection.


We must comply with the company's Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Guidelines, Competition Law Compliance Guidelines, and Information Protection Regulations.


Comply with relevant laws and regulations in performing duties, With utmost sincerity and fairness, We do our best for customer satisfaction.


We do not make unreasonable demands on our partner companies and pursue mutual development through fair and transparent transactions.


Do not use the company's assets and information for personal gain, do not provide or receive unfair money, valuables or entertainment, and do not engage in any other corrupt activities.


In the event of violating relevant laws or the company's competition law self-compliance guidelines while performing duties, or if there are concerns or questions about this, immediately report it to the team leader or consult with the legal office.


We will protect customer and internal and external information acquired in the course of performing our duties as confidential, and faithfully fulfill all information protection obligations. In addition, maximum attention should be paid to official or unofficial contact or communication inside and outside the company.


In case of violating various laws or the company's code of ethics, anti-corruption guidelines, competition law self-compliance guidelines, and information protection regulations, all responsibilities follow.